Sunday, July 10, 2011

Be Still & Listen

Sometimes I get so wrapped up in life that I forget that days are filled with purpose & little hints along the way....

I was recently given advice that I didn't fully appreciate until today "If you're uncertain about something be still, pray, & listen...but if you're just afraid move forward fearfully with faith"

Today Ive taken the opportunity to just be still & listen-- I haven't had this many thoughts in quite some time because I've been too busy filling my days with "noise" ....there's so much to hear and see, and so often and too easily life gets blurred and the beauty of the journey disfigured. Today is a bit it because I'm listening? Or is it because I'm scared & teetering on taking those leaps of faith..? Maybe it's both. I was in the elevator alone today and I just started praying out loud-- talking to God as if he were riding up to floor 14 with me, maybe he was, but in that moment I let myself be completely vulnerable, walls down, no guards (a rarity to say the least) and something just told me to shut up &, thats what Im gonna do...listen in the middle of my fear & do it with blind faith that everything is going to work out accordingly. He is here. He is everywhere. He will never leave.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

A little "peace" of my mind...

Lately, I've noticed that on the days that I think I have the most reason to feel distraught & upset actually turn out to be the best/better days of all....have you ever felt that way??

I think that God knows (well of course he does) that those are the days he needs to carry us...because our hearts and spirits are the most fragile...He likes for us to experience the feeling of strength on our preconceived "lowest" days during the bitter times. Then, on days that our hearts are less feeble he lets us go enough to feel pain & sorrow; because even though it hurts He has prepared our hearts & knows we will withstand the "course" of our own emotions.

It's a crazy thought I know-- but I've just found it so bizarre that I've walked so strongly on days that painful things happen....maybe that's why we feel so crazy on good days when we just randomly break down and someone asks us what's wrong and the honest answer is "I don't know." We are finally letting out the emotion that was put off until a "better time" ....and it feels so good right?

I was literally on the train listening to a pretty sweet playlist if I might say so myself-- when all of a sudden I couldn't stop smiling (it's ok, I live in no one thought I was a weirdo) and I had this epiphany...and the only thing I have to say to that is...GOD IS SO GOOD. Live by blind faith-- God will do the rest. Just Believe :)

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Divine Appointments

...what is my ultimate purpose?

Lately, I have had one thought & one strong burning desire-- make a difference. Whether that be in one single person's life or in hundreds...I want to abundantly impact some one's life. In the past few months I have felt more personal growth and change than I have throughout my entire life (I think it's safe to say I'm finally growing up.) Maybe the amount of growth & change is God's way of preparing me to fulfill my desire to make a difference. Is it weird that living in NYC (where religion is scarce) I feel the closest to God...? He's so obvious to me here, but I feel like the city is just blind. In a place filled with so many people it's actually pretty easy to feel alone, but I rest confidently knowing that I'm right where I'm supposed to be. I don't know the answers to the who, what, when, or where questions in life, so I'm just going to treat each interaction I have as a divine appointment.

Reflecting back on life....even as recent as last week, last month, or last year...I can pick out the stepping stones God has laid out for me. I feel like I used to try to make everything work according to "Sharra's plan" or what I thought I wanted. I can't even begin to explain how much weight has been lifted off of my shoulders just learning to take life one day at a time, go with the flow, follow faith, and treat each day as a new beginning. I don't know where life is headed, but I know it's somewhere grand. I refuse to settle for less than God has planned-- so each day I will embrace new people, new places, & new ideas...because each new day holds the possibility of changing some one's world.

"Make each day different, make each day count"

^ *Taken on a morning walk to Columbia University* ^

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful 365

Today, and everyday, I am thankful for the freedom of choice.

In a world where freedom doesn't come easy, or for some at all, I am so thankful for the freedom to make each day a new day & each day different. This time of year really brings to light the things that we all have and everything we are blessed with...but just like Valentine's Day, don't be thankful or affectionate just one day, be greatful EVERYDAY! I was walking to work yesterday morning (feeling drowsy and less than enthused) and I knew I didn't want to start my day with a low or "scrooge-like" attitiude, so, I stopped & took a good look around--  people sleeping on benches, squirrels playing on the sidewalk, and central park joggers absorbing the beautiful fall views of NY...I said a little prayer, put a Christmas playlist on my ipod, took a deep breath, & continued on my walk to work. Needless to say-- my choice for a good day turned into a great day. You see-- no matter what kind of world we live in, the freedom to make life full and bright is within us each day, & for that I am thankful.

On a slightly different note, here's a list of other things I am thankful for today & everyday:

I am thankful for my family and our crazy dysfunctions, my Mom's super-woman power to make the seemingly impossible possible & teaching me that "where there's a will there's a way." My Dad's strong nature and stern grip on life with the heart of a teddy bear. My sister and her amazing heart; the best friend a girl could ever ask for. Her God-sent love-- Kris-- proving that great guys do exist. My brother and his strong spirit fueled with determination of steel (so inspiring). The love & support of my friends-- new & old. The opportunity to live out my dreams. My talents. My strengths...& my weaknesses. This list could go on for dayyyyys ....but last and certainly NOT least, I am so thankful to be a daughter, sister, and friend in Christ-- to have a loving Father who carries me in dark times, holds my hand in scary times, and let's me soar all the other days.

It's crazy to think about where I was this time last year & it just proves how significantly life changes-- Life truly is a Beautiful Journey. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


God is so Faithful...he is never late...he's always there.

This blog is dedicated to the beautiful changes I've embraced through trust & faith.

The past 2 months have been such an incredible learning/growing experience. "No matter how deep our darkness, He is deeper still" (Corrie ten Boom) -- I believe whole heartedly that God speaks the loudest in our sufferings, and sometimes that's exactly what it takes to break bad habbits, change thought processes, and help us grow stronger & wiser. I recently went back and read some of my old journal & prayer entries & I got chills at how deep my spritual warfare had become during those times. The path of my own destruction defeated me for a while and I let the struggles become greater than my strength-- I turned to myself, friends, family, loved ones, for answers (and sometimes blame) when the first place I should have turned was God. I am enjoying life in such a different light-- and he was right there all along. I want to say thank you to those who have seen me through in the hard times and offered so much love.  Through that perserverance and support, combined with struggle, I love who I am now; this is the first time in my entire life that I can actually say with complete confidence-- I love Me. The journey of life is so precious and beautiful. Life is a new adventure every day and each new morning presents itself with the freedom of choice-- Today I choose to love deeper & see the glass as half full and never half empty. I can't wait to see what God has in store for the future.

...Appreciate today as if tomorrow will never come.

(from my run in the park)